About the Volunteers

The Canadian Volunteers in 1812

The Impact of the Volunteers on the War of 1812

The most notable impact of Willcocks and the Canadian Volunteers was the press for and burning of Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) on 10 December 1813 to deny the British any ground worth holding. When the Volunteers were done, only three buildings were left standing amidst the ashes. An American witness of the burn campaign noted that Willcocks had led “banditti through the town on that fateful night . . . applying the epithet of Tory to any who disapproved of this flagrant act of barbarity.” The act of psychological terror had the opposite result Willcocks intended on the initially apathetic Canadians. The burning of Newark steeled the Canadians’ resolve and rallied their support for the British war effort, including the reprisal attack on Fort Niagara and the burning campaign waged on American soil between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.

Willcocks and others were charged with treason, though he escaped the fate of his eight captured comrades who were executed for their betrayal of Britain in the wake of the Ancaster Bloody Assize trials of 1814. The Canadian Volunteers, whose numbers never exceeded that of a single company, saw combat at Chippawa , and Lundy’s Lane. Willcocks found his own bloody end while leading a skirmish during the Seige of Fort Erie, September 1814. After the Treaty of Ghent, with the war over, the Canadian Volunteers were forced to rebuild their lives in the US, since neither Washington nor London had secured any territorial gains to share with their armed forces. They were given land grants and compensation by their new country, unable to return to their old one under penalty of death.

Joseph Willcocks and the Volunteers

An enemy of Brock, blocking his attempts to prepare for a possible war with the US, was Joseph Willcocks. Born in Ireland, Willcocks was an ambitious and cagey young man interested in making a name for himself in a variety of fields, often with the help of political patrons. A former sheriff and respected publisher, he turned to politics and became a member of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada, but earned a bad name for himself as well as a conviction for contempt of the House, which landed him in jail. Still, he managed re-election, but he soon ran afoul of Brock.
Initially, Willcocks served Brock as part of the mission to secure the allegiance of the Six Nations to fight alongside the British. No coward, Willcocks also fought alongside the First Nations during the retaking of Redan Bay. Brock died in 1813 and stricter martial law was applied in the Canada’s. Willcocks rallied against these efforts as anti-democratic, and soon became disillusioned with Britain’s war effort. In July 1813, he committed treason by offering his service to the United States while still a serving member of the governing body of Upper Canada. With the rank of major in the American army, he raised the Canadian Volunteers, comprising mainly recent immigrants from the US

Willcocks lies in an unmarked grave, ignored by the country he fought against and forgotten by the country he fought for.

The Canadian Volunteers Muster Roll in 1813

Willcocks, JosephMajorJuly 10
Totman, JoshuaAdjutantJuly 18
Jackson, Sr., SamQ. MasterJuly 18
Dorman, JohnSurgeonJuly 18
Frisbee, GideonCaptainJuly 18
Huggins, Robert1st LieutenantJuly 18
Baker, Joseph2nd LieutenantJuly 18
Jackson, Jr., SamEnsignJuly 18
Hendershot, Jacob S.Sergt. MajorAugust 02
Wickham, Sam Q.Master Sgt.July 18
Seely, Sias H.SergeantJuly 18
Smith, LutherSergeantJuly 18
Thomas, SenecaSergeantJuly 18
Jac, JosiahSergeantJuly 18
Proctor, OliverCorporalJuly 18
Gee, William M.CorporalAugust 02
Fox, AmaserCorporalJuly 18
Pollock, JamesPrivateJuly 18
Gough, JohnPrivateJuly 18
Prentice, GilbertPrivateJuly 18
Mansfield, IsaacPrivateJuly 18
Curtice, GrovePrivateJuly 18
Bennett, John H.PrivateJuly 18AWOL
Brown, MatthewPrivateJuly 18
Farnam, JosephPrivateJuly 18
Salrs, MordicPrivateJuly 18
Howell, PhineasPrivateJuly 18AWOL
Haskins, OlishaPrivateJuly 18
Wilder, MichaelPrivateJuly 18
Smith, WilliamPrivateJuly 18
Smith, TimothyPrivateJuly 18
McGarvin, JamesPrivateJuly 18AWOL
Averil l, DavidPrivateJuly 18
Instine, DsanielPrivateJuly 18
Jackson, William D.PrivateJuly 18
Lovett, JosephPrivateJuly 18
Bennett, JohnPrivateJuly 18
Follett, HenryPrivateJuly 18
Mead, ChaunceyPrivateJuly 18
Kelley, GeorgePrivateJuly 18
Oustuhoudt, LucasPrivateJuly 18
Piersons, DavidPrivateJuly 18Wounded
Olmsted, JobPrivateJuly 18
Cafs, DavidPrivateJuly 18
Johnston, John S.PrivateJuly 18
Dill, JohahPrivateJuly 18Died Aug. 16
Ingraim, WilliamPrivateJuly 18Wounded
Beemer, HenryPrivateJuly 18AWOL
Fow, JohnPrivateJuly 18AWOL
Felly, AmbrosePrivateJuly 18
Lockwood, JohnPrivateJuly 18
Vanderburg, Jacob G.PrivateJuly 18
McGee, JamesPrivateAugust 02
McCraney, ThomasPrivateAugust 10
Robinson, WilliamPrivateAugust 10
Reynolds, WilliamPrivateAugust 10
Philips, DanielPrivateAugust 10
Wilcot, PaulPrivateAugust 10Wounded
Conway, SamuelPrivateAugust 10
Myers, CharlesPrivateAugust 10
Meyers, JoshuaPrivateAugust 10
McLaughlin, LaughlinPrivateAugust 10
Scott, JohnPrivateAugust 10
Gillis, Aias(?)PrivateAugust 10
Follett, AbelPrivateAugust 13 or 15?
McCarter, WilliamPrivateAugust 13 or 15?
Newland, CorneliusPrivateAugust 22
Bradt, Janius (?)PrivateJuly 22AWOL
Olmsted, EnochPrivateJuly 22
Lepan, AnthonyPrivateJuly 22
Lane, PeterPrivateJuly 22
Lane, JacobPrivateJuly 22
Gardner, George T.PrivateJuly 22