Uniform of the Volunteer

Canadian Volunteer Uniform - 1813

Top Hat – Green Band, White Cockade and Pewter Eagle

This Hat Can Be Purchased Here!

Grey Tunic – Uniform of Windfeild Scott’s Brigade

All Clothing Can Be Purchased Here!

White Linen Shirt – Worn Under Grey Tunic

White Linen Pants

Black Canvas Gaiters– Worn Over Boots and Under Pants

Black Leather Belting– Worn Over Tunic

Includes Cartridge Box and Belt, Bayonet and Belt, Waist Belt,

White Linnen Haversack and Black Canvas Covered Canteen

All Accourtments Can Be Purchased Here!

US Army Lherbette Knapsack

Used To Store Your Extra Clothes, Blankets and Personal Kit

In June 1814 General Scott’s Brigade was to ordered to only contain these items in their knapsacks during the invasion of Canada:

one pair of summer pantaloons, one shirt, one pair of shoes, one pair of socks (or stockings) One fatigue frock, one pair of trousers and one blanklet. A brush and pocket handkerchief maybe be added, but nothing else! 

Blank Coat – Worn During Cold Weather Campaign

Flint Lock Musket – Charlieville and Brown Bess

Flintlock Muskets Can Be Purchased Here!